Find a passenger for the motorcycle trip

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Kurviger makes it easy to plan beautiful motorcycle tours. The perfect motorcycle navigation is available directly with the Kurviger app. But going on a tour alone is also boring. As the saying goes, a joy shared is a joy doubled.

Many people already have a group that they ride with regularly, but sometimes you want to get in touch with new people or your buddies just don’t have the time. Motorkumpel offers a great way to organize a tour and find fellow riders. You can simply upload the tour you have planned with Kurviger to Motorkumpel, create a new motorcycle tour and search for riders. If you don’t feel like planning, you can also join an already planned tour.

Motorkumpel has been active in the Netherlands for over 10 years and also launched in this year. To launch the platform, you will receive a free membership for the first year with the code KURVIGER.